12 Sep

Getting Started With Home Depot’s Kids Workshop

The Home Depot workshops are great and I definitely encourage all dads to check it out even if you are a non-handy person like myself. It is definitely a Cool4Dads Certified Event!

Price: Free
Dress Code: None but you don’t want paint on those fresh jordans
Time Needed: As Long As You Want
Age Range: All
Fun Factor: All The Way Up
Registration Needed: Yes but can show up without it

Every 1st Saturday of the month, Home Depot holds their kids workshop. These workshops are free and easy to do as a family. They also offer a new theme like an Angry Birds Bird House or A Car’s Race Car every month.

You can play the part of a super hero without needing to buy stuff from the store. Just show up and enjoy some free quality time together.

Did I mention they are FREE? Here are a few things to think about.

Your Kids Will Surprise You

No Dads Were Injured

No Dads Were Injured

My biggest concern at an event like this is that one of them will hammer their own nails off while putting the pieces together. Or, will they beat each other down with hammers? What can go wrong with a hammer, nails, wood and two crazy boys?

Sometimes as a parent we go overboard with these thoughts. We watch our kids every move, not only killing their moral but also limiting their growth. We worry about all the bad things that can happen, and forget all the good things that WILL happen.

The good things do happen, the kids will build something incredible with little to no help and best of all you will do it together!

Let them experiment, let them get bruised, maybe even let them bleed a little (hasn’t happen yet,) but most of all give them the opportunity to SURPRISE you. Those moments are priceless and can’t be forced, let them happen.

You Don’t Have To Be A Professional Handy Man


I’m not a handy person, I hate getting dirty and I don’t dream about tools but Home Depot makes it easy to fake it like I am. Besides banging a few nails, it’s straightforward. Some parents probably do it without even looking at the simple instructions, I AM NOT THAT DAD! I still look!

The truth is I had no idea what I was doing the 1st time or the last time we did it. I just followed the instructions and had fun with my kids while doing so. I didn’t want my kids seeing me sweat anyway, got to maintain that super hero stature. So faking it till you make it works perfectly here.

The crazy part is that most of the parents that attend are just like me; some might have never even picked up a hammer until that day.

People watched us every now and then, and sometimes they even asked for a little help. There was no “I’m better than you vibe,” everyone there was focused on their kids, which made figuring things out easier. It’s not rocket science but if you are not into handy work like me, there is nothing wrong with asking for a little help.

Take The Opportunity To Teach Something


Sometimes as a dad we focus on the things that don’t matter when we are with our kids.

For example you might start to question whether your kid is taking too long to hammer one nail. I see it all the time when a parent grabs the hammer away from a child and starts hammering away because they can do it “quicker!”

That’s a no no! This is your chance to teach your kids about having patience, persevering and doing it their way. Take the time to teach them little lessons like why the nail is an important part of the foundation. Ask them questions and let them answer.

Remember who the project is for, let them figure it out but still serve as a guide.

Don’t worry about who is watching and what they might think of you, the only person that matters is the child rolling with you. There are always teachable moments at events like this, use the opportunity and teach them!

A few years from now they will look back at their project and say, “damn my dad is the man for taking me to events like this!”




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8 Pingbacks

  1. 4 Things Your Kids Need To Know About Teamwork

    February 22, 2017 at 9:06 am

    […] incorporating it in every day life I like finding activities around building things together like Lego or Home Depot’s Kid’s Workshops! Here the kids are forced to have to work together or with […]

  2. […] incorporating it in every day life I like finding activities around building things together like Lego or Home Depot’s Kid’s Workshops! Here the kids are forced to have to work together or with […]

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