18 Nov

X-mas Toy Drive #FatherhoodIsLit

Every year my family and I collect toys to give away to active fathers around NYC. 

We do it in a really cool way that surprises people all the time. 

We call it the #FatherhoodIsLit Drive-By Gifting. My son Jordan played a big role in it and even made a video about his experience giving back below. We teach our kids about Paying It Forward and with this one, it really hits since they don’t get to open the toys.

We drive around Staten Island and The Bronx and stop random fathers walking with their kids to hook them up. 

They always look at us, “like what the hell is this,” but after we tell them what’s happening… Wow, you should see their faces. 

Fathers aren’t used to having people hook them up, especially where I come from. Being able to stop a dad, give them something for their kids, and then feeling the gratitude that comes from it is SPECIAL.

This year, the year of COVID, families have felt the impact in so many ways. 

We have been blessed and want to continue to bless others whether they are in need or not for this Christmas Season. 

You can help us put a SMILE on a family’s face, it’s real easy. 

Amazon Wishlist: http://bit.ly/fatherhoodislit

What you can do:

  • dig through your closet, we all have brand new toys collecting dust, donate them to our cause if you are in the tri-state area. (We will personally pick them up from you to make it even easier)
  • Don’t have toys but want to help? We have an Amazon Wish List that makes it real easy. Visit bit.ly/fatherhoodislit
  • Tell a friend to tell a friend. Together we can do this and we all know a friend hoarding brand new toys or waiting to regift them. 😂

Why should you do this? What do I get in return?

  • You love to help others, especially kids
  • Paying it forward is your middle name
  • We will credit you via our blog post and social media push. Take your pick. 
  • If you are an artist, donate a toy worth more than $10 and our friends over at MLM entertainment will include your music on their highly played MLM Hip Hop 2020 playlist. 

***The Drive-By Gifting event will take place Mid December in Staten Island and The Bronx, if you want to be part of our car caravan or simply volunteer, contact us by emailing james@cool4dads.com ******

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