Dad caught covid and so did the kids 😢
Dad has Covid that’s something that I never wanted to hear
Last year while Covid was running wild in NYC, my oldest was pretty upset with me. I don’t remember about what but if you know me, I love picking at things that get others upset. That’s what dope dads do 😁
He screamed out, I hope you get covid.
I laughed at it but also knew that it wasn’t a joking matter. Even though he didn’t mean any harm, I took it as a chance to educate him on the harmful virus. I also kept it real with him and told him that it hurt my feelings when he said it.
It didn’t hurt me but I had to do it so he could really feel why it was wrong and why he should never play with anyone like that. He understood and off to isolation we went for the rest of the year.
Dad really caught covid

Fast forward to January 2021, dad really caught covid and this time he wasn’t the only one.
For almost a whole year we were very vigilant with our outings. We would barely come outside and when we did we stayed away from people.
We carried all the necessities with us like hand sanitizers, gloves, masks, anything you can think of we carried it.
For food, we would leave the kids home every 2 weeks and buy as much food as our refrigerator would fit.
We wouldn’t even hang out with our family who we are always around to keep everyone safe, we still caught it.
How did you catch covid pops?

Until this day we still don’t know how we caught it. We were able to figure out when we caught it but have no idea how. It could have been as simple as pressing the elevator buttons in my building.
I didn’t know how I caught it but I was scared shitless during the whole process.
Once we found out I had it, the questions poured in. Who else will catch it in the household, did I get everyone sick, or was it one of them that got me sick? Will I be here tomorrow?
That will I be here tomorrow turns into, “GOD, if the kids got it, please place all the pain and effects on me instead. Take me wherever you want to go and leave them ALONE”
We all caught it

We all caught it and that was one of those moments that had me confused.
I was sad in isolation for 3 days. I couldn’t see, touch, or relax with my family. The room was mine and for me only. The only time I would step out was to sneak a peek at my kids and to use the bathroom.
What followed me was the scent of disinfectant.
When they caught it all I could do was hug every single one of my kids and my wife. I told them I wasn’t sure if it was my fault but it was my fault and I told wifey how horrible I felt about the whole thing.
Luckily for us, we all pulled through, and even though it sucked and I never want to experience this again, we pulled through.
To the dads out there, I wish I could tell you how I caught it but I can’t. This virus is dangerous, we tried everything but once we left the house anything was possible.
It sucked big time and this week’s podcast talks all about it. the ups the mostly downs of it and how it made me feel as a father.

Tune in and if you caught covid, let me know how you dealt with it so we can let other fathers know.
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