How To Enjoy Toys “R” Us For Free 99
One of my favorite stores growing up was Toys “R” Us. Till this day that I don’t want to grow up jingle is stuck in my head!
My dad would take me there whenever I wanted to buy a new video game or other toys. Now with 3 sons I get to continue the tradition but unlike my dad, we don’t spend lots of cash there. Instead we visit the store when they are hosting a FREE event.
Yup you read that correctly! Toys R Us holds at least 1 FREE event a month and you can be part of it WITHOUT having to spend a dollar!
We took full advantage of it and it is definitely a Cool4Dads Certified Event
Price: Free
Dress Code: Come As You Please
Time Needed: 1-2 Hours but varies
Age Range: All
Fun Factor: All The Way Up
Registration Needed: Yes Here’s The Link
Doing cool things without having to spend a dime is a father’s secret weapon; here are a few things to keep in mind!
Not All Events Are The Same
It’s rare to find the same exact event happen twice in one year at Toys R Us. They are very good at switching it up and also applying themes to their events which isn’t always true for all free events elsewhere.
This gives you the opportunity to choose which events really peak your interest. We tend to stay away from the regular lets color type of activities because it’s not worth the drive for us.
We stick to the Lego themed events, like Batman day or Pokemon events where they give you limited cards. The kids love those and I can’t lie I actually look forward to them also. These are usually create and take home type of events where you actually get to keep your stuff. Can’t beat that!
Arrive Early
You know when people hear free, they get to the running! Since they are usually first come first served and limited you have to arrive early. Play around and you will be forced to shop for toys instead of enjoying a couple of hours of free stuff.
Parents are savages, get there early! I like to arrive about 30-40 minutes early.
It sucks standing on line for 30 minutes with 3 kids but I rather be there early than hear my kids complain because we didn’t get to participate in the event. Plus I enjoy my sleep so if I’m up, I’m going to make sure it’s worth it!
Play While You Wait
It’s way more fun doing things like this with people you love, so I usually bring my wife or friends with me to these events. It also helps tremendously with the wait time.
Sometimes while we wait, a friend will grab all the kids and take a walk around the store to keep them busy. No one and I mean no one at the store will come after you for letting your kids play so let them do it. Let them touch, ride, whatever it takes to keep them busy, have no shame!
If I’m on a solo mission, I’ll grab toys from the aisle and let my kids play with them while we are standing in line. Once again no one will come after you for doing so.
I don’t want my kids embarrassing me while we wait and this works. Chances are other parents are doing the same or once they see you they follow along. There’s nothing worse than a screaming child on a line, this is how you stop it!!!
You Don’t Have To Buy A Damn Thing
I know I know you want to ball out and buy the whole store every time you visit a Toys R Us, we all do!
I’m sure the store would love you for it but you don’t have to buy a damn thing! You can come in, enjoy the free event and head right back home or do something else.
Don’t let your kids or store apply pressure on you and don’t try to sneak out the store like you stole something due to the embarrassment of not spending money. There is no fine print or rule stating that you have to purchase anything to participate and big brother isn’t watching you from a secret office.
No one is going to post a picture of you on instagram and call you cheap!
If you do want to buy some toys and we sometimes do, make it a smart buy. Read my post on teaching your kids about money and apply the lessons there.
Look around for deals or even clearance! Have your kids look for deals on toys they always wanted. You might get lucky but if you don’t its ok! You just created some memories together like you planned; no loss there!
Messing Up Is Part Of The Fun
Since we try to attend all the Lego build events we are always ready for something to go wrong. Check out how I survive Lego build sessions with my boys here.
Most of the time you have to collect all the pieces needed for your build. You can either gather all the pieces for your kids or let them do it themselves. No matter what; there is a huge chance there will be a missing piece. Don’t get upset or embarrassed if you have to walk back and get a missing piece. Laugh it off, it’s part of the fun!
While building your kids will mess up every now and then, let them! Don’t be that dad that is hovering over your child and noticing every mistake they make. Don’t be that dad that looks at your child like they don’t have the slightest clue about what they are doing either. I hate seeing parents do that and I know kids hate it even more. Let them mess up, laugh about it together!
Actually the fun part really happens when your child looks at you for help, not when you force your help on them. Be a guide, don’t become the worker.
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February 8, 2017 at 4:25 pm
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March 15, 2017 at 4:09 pm
[…] know how kids get when they go to Toys R Us or a candy store? You know that […]